ASL GIFer - Chrome Extension for ASL Sign Language
ASL GIFer is a free Chrome Extension developed by aslgifer that provides quick and easy access to a database of American Sign Language (ASL) signs. This extension allows users to view gifs of ASL signs when highlighting specific English words on their screen.
To use ASL GIFer, simply turn on the extension via the toolbar and highlight any word on your screen. This action will open a search bar in the top right corner of the page. If the word is in the ASL database, the search box border will turn green, and a gif displaying the ASL sign will pop up in the top left of the page. Closing the gif is as easy as clicking anywhere else on the screen.
Please note that if the search box border is red, it means that the extension does not currently have a gif for that word. The developers are actively working on expanding their dictionary in the near future.
It is important to mention that when installing the ASL GIFer extension, it will request permission to "read and change all your data on all websites." This permission is necessary as the tool renders a popup that alters the webpage structure. However, rest assured that the extension does not read or store any user information.
One known issue with this extension is that it does not work within Google Docs, as the text in Google Docs is not considered part of the web page in the standard way.
ASL GIFer is a valuable resource for current and aspiring ASL users who want quick access to ASL signs while reading English text online. The developers also welcome suggestions for additional signs to add to their collection. To provide feedback or suggestions, users can email the developers directly.
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